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Frequently asked questions about Rewarded Ads.

Can you select the content where the format will appear?

Yes, you can select individual URLs, the entire site, or specific sections.

Does it impact all users?

By default, it doesn't impact registered or subscribed users, although it's fully configurable.

Other users are impacted only when we have a campaign available.

Can you set a floor CPM for the format?

Yes, it will only impact users for whom we have a campaign above the specified floor CPM.

Can you target by GEOs?

Yes, it can be done without any issues.

When the user sees the ad, when will they be re-impacted by the format?

It's configurable. By default, the format won't reappear in the same session, but you can set daily, weekly, or monthly frequencies.

Can you set a floor CPM for the format?

Yes, it will only impact users for whom we have a campaign above the specified floor CPM.

Can you eliminate the rest of the content's advertising when the user sees the ad?

It's possible to eliminate all display advertising executed using adManager and certain video and outstream formats.

Does it affect the site's bounce rate?

No, the format appears when the user scrolls to about one and a half screens of content.

Does it affect Core Web Vitals and CLS?

No, the format does not run if bots or crawlers are detected.

Can I traffic direct campaigns?

Certainly, it is also one of the best tools to increase the video inventory of the site and provide advertisers with spectacular metrics.

What are the average metrics for the format?

CTR 13/15%, VTR 90%, AVV 100%, CPM x 10/15 compared to the average of programmatic display by GEO.

What revenue increase can be expected?

In general, the revenue of the format is similar to the entire programmatic display, including outstream and inImage.

Is it compatible with native formats (Taboola, Outbrain, etc.), where I cannot overlay any advertising provider by contract?

It's compatible, as we collapse the format when these ads enter the viewport.

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